I am showing you now, what I learned from Tai Lopez. I have learned a lot. So I’m not going to go into everything because that’s just retelling the sixty seven steps but I think what I can do is sum up how this affected me in general.
I think the one key concept from the sixty seven steps is always be learning. One of the ways to do this of course is through reading. It’s an easy way of getting the experiences of geniuses. You know Mavericks. You know dreamers. Living and dead. It’s a way of being personally mentored and inspired by the greats of history. And it’s also a way to expand your mind with the ideas and voices of the past and the future. And it’s almost without media bias. If you’re reading books. It will give you the most honest glimpse of what it took to make the greats great. And I think I said it before. It’s one of the things that I find very great and I want to say very attractive about Tai’s method. I’ve always been a reader.
Only way of learning the other thing is go to places. Go to seminars and events where the Great in your chosen field congregate. You know, meet those people, approach them. You’ll be surprised how approachable they are and if they’re not approachable then maybe they’re not the right mentor anyway. Learn from them. Be persistent, which was another key takeaway of the sixty-seven steps. And so many of Tai’s steps cover this concept of learning right from step one. Go to bed a little wiser than when you woke up. Probably fifty percent of the steps have to do in some way with learning, because you’re going to read books. And if you’re going to learn you have to be humble enough to accept the advice. And you want to learn, you have to look objectively at things around you.
Interviews. If you want to do that you have to learn to shy away from extreme view and convictions. So all those steps are about learning, but in reality it’s about opening yourself up and taking in only what you can verify and what has been verified by trusted sources. Once you take in that information and you can incorporate it into your decision making process, that’s the key. It’s not just to have the information, it’s act on it and you know there’s going to be a learning curve but eventually you’ll develop these kind of rational skills. You’ll learn to prioritize, you’ll learn when you’re being pushed by yourself or by other people, because of some kind of imagined set of rules.
Another chunk of the steps are about putting yourself in the right company type. Talk about the law of thirds. Spend thirty three percent of the time with your peers, with your equals, spend thirty three percent of the time with people who are a little bit behind you helping them out but spend thirty three percent of the time with people who are far ahead of you. And when you’re with those people, take it all in and shut up. Stop talking and get their input, get their knowledge as much as you can. Filtering out crap is also part of this. You don’t listen to your idiot friends when they talk about things they don’t know. Don’t be naive in thinking that everybody is on your side for Gods sake.
Stop listening to the popular media. It’s fear media. It’s another group of steps could be kind of called mastering the basics. You know learn how to balance your checkbook. You don’t have checkbooks anymore but you know what I mean, keep track of your finances, save money. But also learn what healthy food is and I avoid what I call diet dogma. Don’t be a vegan just because somebody says you should be a vegan take it all in you know get a basic exercise routine even if it’s just walking thirty minutes a day, make it a habit by doing it for a couple of months and then that’s going to be ingrained in you and makes you physically better but also learn how to speak in public and learn how to be persuasive. Because if you have these ideas and you have your goals if you can’t persuade other people to join, you’re going to fail.
Of course the other thing about Tai is this idea of finding your destiny. Don’t be attached to what you think it should be and to spend a day pushing all that stuff aside and do an evaluation. If you want, you can use Tai’s diagram thing he has asking where did you grow up around. Where did strangers give you positive feedback and what have you been doing for the last ten years and what can you talk about effortlessly. And so you do those four things. Think about it for a good while and see if that helps you. It doesn’t help everybody because to be honest it’s pretty vague. But for me it came down to one thing and that was don’t be afraid to go out there and do it. And you probably know the answer yourself why you’re you. What is it in what you’re really good at and what you could turn into your life’s purpose, your life’s work. The Japanese try to find a reason for getting up in the morning. When you’re working on that, you won’t need a vacation.
Screw vacations. We’re talking about Making a Life, not a chance to get more days off. But remember. Don’t follow your lust, lust dies. The lust you have for other people, just as the people have for you. It goes away. But belief and conviction. Strong convictions of course not, but that’s what’s going to take you through what you are naturally good at, that’s what’s going to take you through the person who’s naturally matched to you, which will be the one that you go through with.
And another big concept is this P.I. versus IP. P.I. is patiently impatient and this is what you do not want to be. The first letter refers to how you start. And the second refers to how you go on. So don’t be patient and start right now. Patiently impatient people take a long time to start and when they start they’re impatient for the result and they quit. You want to be IP. Be impatient, get started right away. What are you waiting for? I regret not throwing myself into things, but I throw myself into something now. IP is a brilliant concept. There are dozens of practical tips and practices.
So do I recommend the sixty-seven steps I get that question every day on here. Yes and no. To be honest I recommend my version. I think my version is better than his version. Honestly it’s shorter. It’s more clear. Now I don’t have a Lamborghini in the garage and I don’t have the girl without a bra standing next to me. Sorry about that. That’s what you want go and watch the Tai videos. If you want just a compact and easy way of how to make your life better read the articles on this site. That’s it.
Following are some quotes:
Warren Buffett. The first rule of business is don’t lose money.
Peter Drucker. Most people think they know what they’re good at and they’re usually wrong.
Maya Angelou. Hoping for the best prepared for the worst and unsurprised by anything in between.
Charlie Munger. To get what you want you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a bunch of undeserving people monger again.
Charlie Munger. As a duty, get your ass in the chair and do it.
Benjamin Graham. What you really want to do is not make a lot of mistakes make a lot of base hits make sure steady steps. Don’t swing for the bleachers every time. That’s a recipe for disaster.
Abe Lincoln. I learned from everyone I meet. Usually I’m learning what not to do.
So this is really it. I really appreciate all of you coming along for the ride and always drop me a comment. I answer as much as I can as fast as I can. Thanks again and see you soon.