Habits of successful people

1. Meditation
Try meditation and self-hypnosis. See which one you prefer and do this twice a day. For more information on meditation, check out how-to-meditate.org. You can also get a visual understanding by checking out this infographic from PositiveHealthWellness.com. For more information on self-hypnosis, read this article by instantselfhypnosis.com that explains what it is, how it’s used and even debunks common myths about it.

2. Surround Yourself With Positive People
Join 2-4 networking events in your area of interest and select the one that is the best fit for you. Network with this group at least once a week. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can always try meetup.com

3. Affirmations
Make a list of 5-20 (or more) affirmations and read them at least once a day. If you’re doing meditation or self-hypnosis that incorporates these affirmations daily, you can limit it to twice a week. To learn how to write affirmations effectively, read this article by the-guided-meditation-site.com

4. Watch Inspiring or Motivational Videos
Watch a few motivational YouTube videos in the mornings to kickstart your day, preferably just before a workout. Do this at least every couple of days to amplify your drive and motivation.

5. Work Out Regularly
Take a look at your schedule and fit in a workout routine at least three times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes each. You can find ideas for your routine in several different places. I personally like Jeff Cavaliere’s YouTube channel. It’s loaded with tons of free time efficient and effective workouts. Men’s Fitness and Bodybuilding.com also have some good suggestions. Even Buzzfeed has some good ideas for both men and women. Regardless of where you find your information, do some research and find something that works for you and start immediately!

6. Find Your Passion
Explore options that not only give you balance in life but also allows you to do something you absolutely love and genuinely makes you happy. If you are looking for something that you can do as a business or hobby that can generate an income for you, the money will come naturally due to your passion. Couple your passion with something you can do online from anywhere in the world and you’ll be able to pursue travel as well. This route isn’t for everyone, but I would like to inspire others to travel as well. Entrepreneur.com wrote a few articles about turning your passion into profit. It’s a good idea to read them to get some ideas flowing. You can also read about several digital nomads and location independent entrepreneurs and their stories in this blog post by moneynomad.com, it’s a great read.

7. Set Your Goals
If you haven’t already done so, take some time this week and do some goal setting. Figure out what you want out of life and work your way backward. Set weekly, monthly, and annual goals to get them accomplished. Michael Hyatt wrote a beginner’s guide to goal setting to get you started. This article by the late and great Jim Rohn is also a good resource from success.com

8. Listen to a Podcast
Find 2-3 podcasts that motivate and inspire you. It should be something that focuses on your goals and passions. For example, I like traveling, poker, and business. So I might listen to a podcast on each topic once a week. If you’re having trouble finding one on your area of interest, you can also do a search on podcasts.com

9. Read a Book
Browse the kindle store and see if you can find a topic that interests you or better yet go to your local bookstore and get out of the house. This will allow you to get a feel for what genre interests you the most since you can wander around and touch and feel the books. This is something I do regularly and it has helped me grow immensely. I try and read at least one new book each month.

10. Start or Attend a Mastermind Group
See if you can find a group in your local area. Try searching on meetup.com or you can read this article by Smart Passive Income on how to find one. If you’re having trouble finding a mastermind group in your local area, you can always start your own.

11. Take an Online Course
Go to Udemy or any other e-learning platform and look for courses that may interest you. Read the reviews and take a course that will help you develop a marketable skill. This will not only allow you to pursue something you’re passionate about but will also give you another revenue stream should you ever need it.

12. Make a To-do List
Make a daily and weekly task list and prioritize it. This will keep you on track and help you to become more efficient while completing your tasks. You can also use an app that does this for you. I personally like Wunderlist, but do a google search and find what works best for you.

13. Get a Coach or Mentor
Join at least 1 group (online or in person) and surround yourself with other successful people in the field or endeavor you’re looking to pursue (music, e-commerce, blogging, etc.). Hang out where they hang out. Network and soak up as much information as you can. Just be selective in which ones you choose because they are not all created equal and some will just push you to buy things whereas others will give you the practical advice and motivation you may need. Forbes wrote an article on how to formally find a mentor in this article or you can choose to mentor yourself.

14. Find a Hobby
We sometimes make excuses as to why we’re too busy to take this much-needed break. Put your work or your projects aside and take some very important “me time.” If you are having trouble figuring out what kind of hobby you might enjoy or want to take up, not to worry. Here is a list of potential hobbies for you to choose from. Whether you know what you plan to do or not, pick a hobby and practice/do it 1-2 times a week. You’ll be surprised on how much your mental health improves.

15. Eat Healthy
Do some research and find a diet that works for you. Remember that every body is different and what’s popular or what worked for someone else may not work for you. Once you’ve found it, implement it into your life by writing out a weekly meal plan and sticking to it. Discipline is essential here so give yourself an incentive by coming up with a reward for every mile stone you hit without cheating on your diet (1 week, 3 months. etc).

16. Consistent Self Development
The key to self-development is to constantly progress and to continue moving forward. I recommend doing the following activities at least once a week (preferably more) in order to sharpen your skills and to develop your mind:

listen to a podcast
do a few modules/lessons from an online course (Educate yourself)
read a book
run/workout/do yoga

17. Eliminate Negativity
Do these things to rid yourself of the negativity in your life:

Replace Negative Self-talk with self-loving positivity
Eliminate mainstream media
Alienate yourself from the negative people in your life
Limit or be more selective on entertainment until you’ve created a strong, positive mindset (Music, Television, Movies, etc.)

18. Take Action
Start with your ultimate goal
break down your tasks into yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily tasks
Adapt & learn as you go
START RIGHT NOW despite your fear
Celebrate your victories no matter how small they may seem
Live in the moment and enjoy the process

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